Transportation Tracker

Lake Tahoe is within driving range of three large urban centers—the San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento Valley, and Reno metropolitan area—making it a highly sought after vacation destination. Implementing local and regional transportation solutions are a high priority to improve connectivity and safety, address resident and visitor travel needs, and reduce environmental impacts.

Achieving the Lake Tahoe Region’s long-term transportation vision to reduce reliance on the automobile will take time, collaboration, dedication, and successful solutions for significant funding shortfalls. It will also require a phased approach that builds upon infrastructure and programs already in place to leverage and maximize investments. To be successful the transportation program needs strategic approaches like Transportation Performance Management that use system information to make investment and policy decisions to achieve our vision and goals.

Lake Tahoe Info's Transportation Tracker provides a transparent and open look at the performance of Tahoe's transportation system. Explore the systems vision, projects, funding, and performance measures to learn more.

Discover TRPA's vision for a fully interconnected, multi-modal transportation system.

Understand how TRPA utilizes a variety of funding sources to finance transportation project, programs, and operations.

Learn how TRPA uses data-driven decision making and performance-based planning to assess our transportation system and identify projects and programs that will achieve regional goals.


Transportation Strategy

Featured Projects